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About Us

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What we do

"Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me."
                                                                            ~ Mark 9:37

FIRE Foundation of Wichita is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that serves Catholic schools in the diocese of Wichita, Kansas. We believe that all children, including those with more significant disabilities, should have access to the quality faith-filled education that our Catholic schools provide.We strive to champion inclusion practices for children with special needs in our partner schools by awarding monetary grants and providing access to critical resources.  100% of our fundraising goes toward assisting students and educators in their school inclusion programs. Our grants provide access to teacher training and professional development, acquisition of adaptive technologies, and funding of salaries for special education staff.

We also work directly with schools to understand the challenges they are facing and the requirements they have in initiating or growing their inclusion programming. The original FIRE Foundation was founded in 1996 in the Kansas City/St. Joseph, Missouri Diocese, and we are extremely proud to be part of their large affiliate network across the United States. There are currently 10 active FIRE Foundation affiliates, all working together to achieve the shared goal of transformative inclusion practices in our Catholic schools. Together, we are working to make inclusion the norm and helping our children grow in their Catholic faith more fully.

Get in Touch

FIRE Foundation of Wichita

P.O. Box 780053

Wichita, KS  67207


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